My Alai™ Multisystem Nutritional Support

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My Alai™ Multisystem Nutritional Support


My Alai™ Multisystem Nutritional Support is a clinic-only formulation that provides comprehensive nutritional, antioxidant, and herbal support for foundational processes in the body. It contains a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants, and active compounds that support foundational cellular processes essential for health, and address the mechansims that drive ageing, inflammageing, skin conditions and metabolic disorders. A comprehensive formulation that supports vitality and general health and wellbeing. 

Supporting health at its foundations

  • Supports healthy gastrointestinal, immune, and nervous system function

  • Supports metabolism, energy production & thermogenesis

  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar and lipids

  • Supports cognitive function & brain health

  • Enhances memory and helps the body adapt to stress with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Reduces inflammation and free radical damage

  • Assists natural cleansing and supports  detoxification processes with Western Herbal Medicine

  • Promotes hair thickness and reduces hair loss

  • Promotes collagen formation and enhances skin health

The recommended dose is 20 g a day. One container will last 28 days.

How long should I take it?

Everyone is different in their nutrient needs. Most people will notice benefits within 1- 2 weeks but in order to optimise healthand improve your body’s ability to process and assimilate nutrients found in food, ideally you should continue the formulation for three months. If you are generally healthy and just need a reset, one month may be sufficient.

If you have a chronic condition, high-stress levels or life demands, or if you are following a restrictive diet, you may need to take My Alai® Multisystem Support for up to six months.

We recommend not taking supplements for longer than 6 month before having a break for up to three months.

If you have symptoms, you must see a doctor prior to starting on My Alai™.

Many patients schedule in a course of My Alai™ each year to reset the gut biome and stabilise micronutrient levels.

How do I take My Alai™.?

Most people take Alai® Mutisystem Support in a smoothie for breakfast. The smoothie will need some healthy ingredients to make it a complete meal, for example:

  • 2 scoops (20g of My Alai™)

  • 2 handfuls of green vegetables such as celery, cucumbers, spinach & kale

  • 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fats such as avocado or plain coconut yoghurt

  • a1 handful of fruit with a low glycemic index like berries or papaya.

  • For amino acids, add eggs or high quality essential amino acids rather than protein powders. This is because proteins powders are immunogenic - which means they can activate an immune response that leads to inflammation. High quality amino acids can be purchased online e.g. iHerb. Protein powders with low immunogenic potential include rice protein powder (e.g. Welleco Protein Powder- add 10-20g on alternate days). You can boil or scramble some eggs to have on the side.

Who should not take My Alai™?If you are planning a pregnancy, pregnant, breast feeding, it is not advised to take My Alai™.

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