Vegan & want glowing skin - read about what the evidence shows & what your options are

Vegan & want glowing skin - read about what the evidence shows & what your options are

In order to make healthy skin, your body needs the building blocks to synthesise important skin proteins like collagen and elastin. These building blocks are known as amino acids.

If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you will really struggle to do this, as these diets are plant based - and there is not a lot of protein in plants. Learn about how to optimse your diet, and skin/metabolic diet in this blog by GP and Aesthteic Physician Dr Jemima Grant.

For my plant based patients looking to optimise skin, I suggest they supplement their diets with protein. Increasing protein will improve the look and feel of skin and also improves the outcomes of a collagen induction treatment such as microneedling, tixel, ultraformer and lasers. This is based on my experience observing clinical results - but I did recently find some evidence on this topic to share.

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Getting 💉dermal fillers in your 40s - a personal account

Getting 💉dermal fillers in your 40s - a personal account

I was vaguely horrified when I heard the words ‘dermal filler’. However before I ran screaming, Dr Grant outlined the approach Thrive embraces: small tweaks across the mid and lower face, to support the face’s  natural structure and balance. She assured me that only the volume that had been lost over the years would be replaced, leaving me looking like… well, me. The adjustments are so subtle that they could almost go unnoticed individually; but in combination turn back the clock almost immediately. The result, she explained, looked natural, and was customised to each unique face.

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🍁 Pigmentation treatment - where do I start?

🍁  Pigmentation treatment - where do I start?

Like everything skin, there is no one size fits all approach. Our medical clinic has a range of devices and treatments to suit different types of pigmentation including Intense Pulse Light treatment (IPL), Q-switch laser and advanced depigmentation peels- we often combine these to get the best options and customise a plan for your skin depending on the cause of pigmentation, your skin integrity, ability to manage social downtime and your budget.

To help you get started treating pigmentation this winter, here are Dr Jemima Grant’s tips for success:

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Mythbusting: Anti-Wrinkle Injections, The Truth Uncovered

Mythbusting:  Anti-Wrinkle Injections, The Truth Uncovered

Anti-wrinkle injections soften wrinkles by blocking the signal from nerve fibres to muscles, causing muscle relaxation. A few well-placed units will give a natural, refreshed appearance.

Anti-wrinkle injections are highly versatile and can be used to target a variety of areas on the face. Common treatment areas include frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines, and brow arch enhancement.

Lower face injections can be used with precision to refine the jawline and neck bands, and even treat conditions like temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome and teeth grinding. 

It's important to note that anti-wrinkle injections are not permanent. The effects typically last around 3-4 months in the upper face and longer in the lower face. However, results are visible after 2-5 days.

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✨ NMN - the supplement you should be taking to improve skin, health & prevent ageing.

✨ NMN - the supplement you should be taking to improve skin, health & prevent ageing.

In the last few months,  I have been doing a deep dive into metabolism and the genetic pathways that determine how and why we age. This type of information is not even in textbooks yet! One of the things I have learnt is that we can mitigate some of the metabolic impacts of ageing and disease by taking supplements to regulate our metabolic function, reduce our blood sugar and improve the ability of our body to read and replicate DNA.

🌟 The star compound here are NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) which is a form of Vitamin B3 that increases NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a coenzyme present in all living cells and central to healthy DNA expression and energy production.

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2023 Skin Trends

2023 Skin Trends

As we prepare for 2023 here at #thriveskinclinic, we are excited to be forging our own path, prioritising natural looking results, prevention and holistic care. As an independent medical aesthetic clinic, we are following the path of @drjemimagrant as she develops her love of evidence based skin care, metabolic health and holistic medicine to bring you beautiful skin and a healthy approach to living and ageing well.

You'll see a shift in the way we see skincare in 2023, as we develop our armamentarium with a preference for products and treatments that do more, last longer and leave us looking and feeling healthier.

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Hangover Tips for a less hazy New Year

Hangover Tips for a less hazy New Year

At this time of year, many people get excited and over indulge in alcohol. This can cause a hangover.

As I get older, I do find my body can handle less alcohol. This is because my liver can’t detoxify alcohol and other toxins as well- if this is happening to you, consider this a wakeup call to attend to your liver (in January!) and integrate these tips to reduce your post holidays blues.

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Go To Skin Travel Companions for Glowing Skin

Go To Skin Travel Companions for Glowing Skin

I always tone DOWN my skin care when I am away, and focus on nourishing and hydrating the skin. This is because travel is almost always associated with environmental and lifestyle stressors like changes in humidity (think air travel) dry skin), increases in SPF exposure (long days at the beach or in the sun), alcohol consumption (dehydration and toxins) and changes in your diet.

To combat these issues - you need to focus on skin protection (SPF), hydration (moisturisers and hyaluronic acid) and nurturing the skin (peptides - my new favourite active ingredient in skin care).

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A Holistic Approach to Acne

A Holistic Approach to Acne

Like everything in medicine, good management is customised to your skin and you as a person, not from a checklist. In order to achieve good control, you must see a professional and have a consultation.

The most important thing, once more, is that everyone's acne is different. There is no one acne diet, pill or treatment. Please have an open mind and don't feel bad if your acne needs medication to settle. Humans are a complex mix of genes and environment, and there are just some genes you can not manipulate with facials, peels and the best diet in the world.

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Party Prep Tips to Get your Skin Glowing.

Party Prep Tips to Get your Skin Glowing.

The New Year is here and it’s easy to forget our skin needs some extra prep to look its best during the summer months. Read Thrive’s Top Tips for glowing summer skin in 2022.

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BruiseControl: Advice & Evidence from @drjemimagrant

BruiseControl: Advice &  Evidence from @drjemimagrant

Procedures with needles involve sticking a sharp object into an area of your body with literally hundreds of blood vessels - if you've ever had a treatment with no bruising, it's a MIRACLE and you should buy a lottery ticket 🤣 If you are not feeling lucky, read the following tips to reduce your downtime:

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🌿 Ponderings on Prescription Skin Care by Dr Jemima Grant

Feeling confident about your skin and your face is important, especially if you have a forward facing job.  As a middle-aged professional, I know that when my skin looks good, I feel more confident and less anxious with my patients and my peers. 

Getting older and going through perimenopause can sometimes be really challenging, and we need a bit of help "fake it to you make it" mentality to put our best foot forward.

I am passionate about #preventativeaesthetics and #proactiveageing. Here are some tips to start you thinking about your home care choices for healthy skin to help you age with beautiful skin:

🌿 Tip 1: Skin care should be customised, by someone knowledgeable - not a robot

Prescription home care implies a personal relationship with an experienced clinician, not a book, email /text sequence or a website.

Yes, a real person, who can look and touch your skin, review your lifestyle and medical history and match your expectations with a set plan.

Take your advice from an experienced professional - be it an advanced beauty therapist, dermal therapist, registered nurse, skin doctor or dermatologist - ask about their experience and education. Expect a university or post graduate studies in skin and dermatology, not just a weekend course. Injectors usually do not study skin or dermatology, so even though your injector might be a gun with a needle, it is not guaranteed that they are knowledgeable about the skin!

🌿 Tip 2: Start where your skin is. Be Honest, and listen to your skin.

You can't just walk into a gym and lift 100kg - the same goes with skin care.

If you have not used skin care in the past, or have thin or sensitive skin, you need to start slowly with simple gentle products. Slowly review your home care routine every few months - results will come with a goal and slow progression.

Yes medical grade skin care can give you amazing results, but if you go straight to the hard stuff, and your skin is not strong or resilient, your skin will get worse - breakouts, redness, itch and dryness are common.

🌿 Tip 3: Less it more. Nurture your skin, don't strip it.

After lockdown, I have seen countless patients with perioral dermatitis, or sensitised skin caused by overuse of retinoids, exfoliants, and inappropriate product use - this can take months to resolve. The other thing you need to do is learn to listen to your skin. Skin is a biological organism and will change with the seasons, your hormones, stress and your nutritional state. If it is dry or irritated, take a step back and pare back your skin care regimen!

Nurture your skin first and foremost - here is a simple routine to start out, which will improve your skin barrier

AM: Cleanse, Vitamin B Serum (niacinamide), SPF.
PM: Cleanse, Vitamin B Serum, Moisturiser.

If you want something a bit more exciting, or have congested, oily skin - introductory kits from @SynergieSkin are also a great place to start. You can choose from a variety of products, they are relatively inexpensive, and they are suited to most skin types. They have now changed the formulation of their Vitamin C products. ✅ Big tick from me:)

Once you have started with this plan- then drop in to see a good clinic, review your skin, your goals, and come up with a plan, including regular reviews.

🌿 Tip #4 : Ask questions & follow instructions

More is not always better (apart from sun cream).

For best results, I recommend using a pea size of retinol 3 times per week, avoiding the eye region to prevent sensitisation. Make sure you follow the instructions - if you are too gung ho, you may encounter issues. It is my pleasure to provide you with handouts on my website. Please feel free to access and use them as you require.

Prescription hydroquinone, for example, is only safe for use for a limited timeframe (e.g. three to four months). You should understand what you are using and why, as well as the risks and safety in pregnancy (if you are a woman of childbearing years). The more questions you ask, and more informed you are, the better your choices will be.

🌿 Tip #5: Quality matters

Invest in well formulated "active" cosmeceuticals, based on evidence and research.

Do not buy based on branding, attractive packaging and marketing - department store products are not active, and they are sold by people interested in sales, not clinicians. You can get better results, with less expense, if you use prescribed products.

In order to make an informed decision, you must do your research. Evidence based skin care does exist. Research and formulation of products take time and money - your purchase represents this expertise, and you will benefit from it now and in the future.

You cannot go wrong with @SkinBetterScience for a good brand recommendation. If you have resilient skin, you could also speak to your doctor about starting Tretinoin (a prescription retinoid). It's not for everyone, but it's incredible and relatively inexpensive for the right candidate.

🌿 Tip #6: Prevention is better than cure - wear SPF every day of your life!

It is much easier and less expensive to prevent lines, wrinkles, loose skin, pigmentation, redness and skin cancer than it is to fix it. Seeing as 80 - 90% of these issues are caused by UV exposure, the best intervention for you now is to wear suncream.

Fall in love with your SPF and your skin will thank you in 20 years. Personally, I love Synergie Skin Uberzinc but it's not for everyone - make it your mission to seek out an SPF you love and embrace it daily - rain, hail or shine.

Synergie UberZinc

A hydrating moisturiser formulated with over 20% pure Zinc Oxide offering broad spectrum UVA and UVB sun protection.

⚡Innovative NEW Cosmetic Injectable Treatment arrives in Australia for Skin Laxity & Glow

⚡Innovative NEW Cosmetic Injectable Treatment arrives in Australia for Skin Laxity &  Glow

An innovative new injectable injectable skin treatment targeting skin laxity is about to land on the Australian Medical Aesthetic market in September, and we are excited!

By 2020 some 1.5 million treatments had been performed worldwide with evidence supporting its excellent safety profile and multiple award-winning status, and it has already taken the UK and New Zealand by storm.

Classed as a ‘bio-remodeller’ , this medical product (we can’t advertise the name due to TGA guidelines) improves skin laxity and elasticity to renew your skin from within. It stimulates production of your natural collagen and elastin to prevent lines, wrinkles and optimise skin health and hydration.

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🔑 Multi-Modal Programs: The Key To Proactive Age Management & Skin Change

🔑 Multi-Modal Programs: The Key To Proactive Age Management & Skin Change

There are a plethora of skin treatment technologies advertised and an overwhelming quantity of information and misinformation) about the ‘best’ way to improve your skin.

The truth is- there is no silver bullet.

To get the best results, you need to work with an knowledgable clinician to assess your skin type, and use proven home care and in clinic interventions with a clear plan.

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🌿 Want to improve your pigmentation this winter? Add a tyrosinase inhibitor to your routine.

🌿 Want to improve your pigmentation this winter?  Add a tyrosinase inhibitor to your routine.

Tyrosinase Inhibitors (TI's) are topical or oral compounds that turn off the enzyme production of melanin (pigment) which is made from melanocytes (the pigmentation producing cells in the skin). They can be topical, meaning applied to the skin, or oral like a tablet.

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🌵 SkinPen Microneedling - A Cut Above The Rest

🌵 SkinPen Microneedling - A Cut Above The Rest

As a medical clinic, we are always on the look out for quality, evidence based treatments and we are introducing the new Skin Pen microneedling device this month.

While there are many microneedling devices available online and on ebay (!), SkinPen is the only medically aligned microneedling device available in Australia. It is only available to select clinics and under a medical doctor’s care - making it a perfect fit for us.

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Understanding Rosacea

Understanding Rosacea

If you suffer from rosacea, you’ll know it is a chronic condition with multiple triggers. For many, it can feel overwhelming and almost impossible to manage. Rosacea is characterised by issues such as sensitive skin, red skin, dilated capillaries, and itchiness.

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Want some extra skin glow? Home peels are your answer.

Want some extra skin glow? Home peels are your answer.

When choosing a home peel, there's not a one size fits most approach. It’s a great idea to book a consultation with your Dermal Clinician who can guide you in which one is right for you. Choosing the wrong peel can cause redness, irritation and swelling- this is definitely NOT what you want! We’ve curated the top performers to offer a selection that can cater for all skin needs, including oily, delicate and sensitive skins, as well as for those who are breast feeding or pregnant. You can discuss this with us in clinic or check them out on our online shop, which is constantly evolving.

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Protect your make up products and your skin this summer!

Protect your make up products and your skin this summer!

Move to 2022 and in the midst of a global pandemic, we find ourselves being extra cautious about transmitting germs and keeping ourselves and our items sanitised. The importance of hand washing, personal hygiene and protocols for surface disinfection have become second nature to most of us, and I highly recommend that we move these routines to our makeup and makeup tools. Caring for your makeup and being as clean and hygienic with your tools as possible is the best way to prevent the influx, multiplication, and spread of some pretty nasty bacteria.

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Don’t Want Botox but Want Great Skin?

Don’t Want Botox but Want Great Skin?

If anti-wrinkle injections or dermal filler is just not your thing, we get it. Some of us are simply not comfortable with using synthetic products, or worry that we may look overdone and loose our unique features. It’s a valid concern. With these Big Six performers in your corner, a natural approach to skin fitness is absolutely an achievable goal…

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