Vascular Laser
How Does Vascular Laser Work?
NdYag vascular laser targets the red and purple pigmentation contained within the haemoglobin porphyrin. This enables us to reduce various vascular lesions such as dilated facial vessels due to sun damage and rosacea, telangiectasias, angiomas, congenital vascular birthmarks, venous lakes on the lip and reticular veins on the legs.
After the laser ablates the blood pigment, it is then cleared by immune cells and the lymphatic system. Some vessels disappear almost immediately while others, such as those on the legs, can take up to 12 weeks to clear.
What is a Multimodal Approach to Vascular Skin Concerns?
Dr Grant approaches vascular concerns from a holistic approach, combining medical grade and prescribed treatments with lasers and skin treatments to reduce redness, address inflammation and improve skin barrier.
For example, to combat rosacea, Dr Grant will often prescribe medication, lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as a mix of NDYag laser, IPL treatments at different pulse durations and corrective peels at different pulse durations to improve your skin barrier and strength. Maintenance treatments are often required as rosacea is a chronic condition. This tends to control most rosacea well.
This sophisticated approach to dermatology concerns means that you are more likely to get a long term improvement in your condition.
Procedure Time
You must have a consultation with a dermal therapist or Dr Grant first, and may also need referral for a skin cancer check, or a vascular ultrasound (e.g. leg veins) before treating.
Pre and Post care Do not book for a vascular laser if you have had a recent spray tan, suntan or sunburn. Book at Unanderra rooms (The Sanctuary) as we have invested Excel V laser- the gold standard treatment for vascular treatments.
Recommended Plan
This depends on the concern. An isolated spot may only need 1- 2 treatments to clear. Rosacea and inflammatory skin conditions often need a combination approach and 6 laser sessions to see a significant improvement. Leg veins require a longer period between treatments and are treated every 6-12 weeks. Over time, vascular concerns commonly t recur and most patients see us every 3- 6 months for ongoing management.
At least 2 weeks prior to a special event.
Downtime / Aftercare
Redness and bruising are common and blisters or wound formation may occur. You must wear sunscreen and avoid the sun while undergoing treatment. Please see our aftercare advice sheet for more information.
Vascular Laser from $350 reduces focal vascular concerns such as dilated capillaries, angiomas, rosacea & venous lake malformations.
Clinical Genesis Treatment from $350
Medicare Rebate A medicare rebate may be available for clients who have vascular laser treatments to manage severe rosacea. Suitability for treatment and costs will be discussed during your initial consultation with Dr Grant.
Discounted packages
5% discount for 3 prepaid treatments
10% discount for 6 prepaid treatments
We do not discount Medical Laser treatments that are performed by Dr Grant.
Combination Medical + Excel V vascular