COSMELAN®: Your Questions Answered.
/What is Cosmelan?
Cosmelan® is a clinical depigmentation treatment that reduces pigment caused by sun exposure, melasma and inflammation from acne or scars. A stronger formulation called Dermamelan® is also available, but only with a doctor’s oversight and medical clearance, and can cause more redness and sensitivity in the months following treatment.
These peels have a worldwide reputation as one of the most effective treatments for pigmentation. The outcomes we’ve achieved using them are remarkable.
How does Cosmelan work?
Pigment in the skin is caused by a substance called melanin. Cosmelan works by inhibiting the action of tyrosinase, an enzyme directly involved in melanin production, to reduce the appearance and incidence of pigment.
Who can have treatment with Cosmelan?
Cosmelan is ideal for concerns with pigmentation, whether caused by melasma, sun damage post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from acne, inappropriate lasers or scarring. It’s suitable for all skin types, ethnicities and ages, and can be used to treat both long-standing and new pigment deposits. However, it is not suited for extremely sensitive skin or for those with rosacea or active acne.
What is the normal Cosmelan process?
The ‘before and after’ photographs illustrate examples of the types of procedures Thrive Skin Clinic provides, along with the results received. Results may vary, depending on the individual.
We start with an initial consultation to provide education and discuss your options. Not everyone is a good candidate for depigmentation, and we will refer you to our medical director Dr Jemima Grant if further assessment is needed.
Once cleared for treatment, Cosmelan has 2 phases:
Phase 1 is a 30-minute clinic appointment for application of a thick brown mask. You’lll go home with the mask on, so ensure you book a morning appointment. Instructions and timing for removal of the mask will be provided.
Phase 2 consists of a 3-month homecare maintenance program, critical to the success of the treatment. If you do not follow the instructions your treatment won’t work. We see you 6 times after the initial peel for a Healite LED in clinic to help reduce any inflammation, to check in with you to make sure you are on track to get the best results.
How long does it take to see results from Cosmelan?
We expect results to appear 2-3 weeks post treatment, with significant improvement in pigmentation and clearer, brighter skin. Over the following months, your skin will continue to slowly improve. Your skin may take a few months to settle after the peel. Be patient, and aim for progress not perfection.
Are Cosmelan results permanent?
Cosmelan will remove the majority of superficial pigmentation by targeting the epidermal melanin. But no matter what peel or homecare is used, the sun (UVA) activates melanocytes, and living in Australia means we are exposed to very high UVA radiation all year round. The single most important factor to manage long term pigmentation is sunscreen. Using an adequate amount of quality SPF, 2-3 ml twice a day - can reduce pigmentation by up to 50%.
We are realists and will never sell you a ”miracle” cure. What we offer is an evidence-based approach designed to combat pigmentation for the long term, and a team of experienced clinicians who will support you. Our before and afters are great examples of our real results, with no filters or touch-up.
Is laser or Cosmelan better for pigmentation?
There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for pigmentation. The safest and most effective treatment depends on your skin, lifestyle, expectations, and commitment to the process. Management options involve lifestyle changes, addressing contraception, oral pigment inhibitors, topical prescribed home care, topical cosmeceuticals, peels, laser AND sometimes we do end up choosing Cosmelan or Dermamelan as part of that journey - but to get here, it's a well-considered choice, with reasonable expectations.
We also have a long term treatment plan, with patients returning to the clinic for follow-up, to rotate prescribed medication (if you stay on the same prescribed home care long term you can get worsening of pigmentation), and to address the bumps and hurdles life throws at you like stress, medical issues, new relationships, pregnancy, menopause, holidays at the beach and the myriad of other triggers that can cause an exacerbation.
What should I expect during Cosmelan treatment?
After the Cosmelan depigmentation mask is applied in the clinic, you’ll go home with detailed instructions for how and when to remove it.
Days 1-4 you should expect tight, red and swollen skin. From around Day 5, peeling will start and can last up to 10 days. It’s vital not to rub, pick or exfoliate the skin and to let it peel naturally to reduce the risk of infection or scarring.
What should I not do before and after Cosmelan?
For the 2 weeks leading up to your Cosmelan treatment, avoid sun exposure, heat and apply sunscreen twice a day. Don’t have any chemical peels, dermal needling or laser procedures, or use any waxing or hair removal products.
After your Cosmelan peel, continue to avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen twice a day, every day. For the first month, do not have any other treatment or procedure, including facials, microdermabrasion or peels.
While using the Cosmelan 2 homecare program for the 4-5 months following your initial peel, stop use 5 days prior to waxing then restart 3 days post waxing. Threading can safely be done without ceasing Cosmelan 2.
Is Cosmelan safe? What about side effects?
Side effects caused by Cosmelan are rare, and can be managed by our clinic should they occur. We will provide you with contact details if you need support outside of usual clinic hours, and regularly review your progress at the 6 LED Healite sessions post-peel that we include in your treatment package.
How do I get the most out of my Cosmelan treatment?
For the best results, you need to commit to the process and follow the instructions we provide. If you do not use your prescribed home care, forget to apply regular sunscreen or expose your skin regularly to the sun, the treatment will not work.
Our depigmentation protocols are customised to your skin. We focus on education and ongoing maintenance to give you the best long term outcome for your pigmentation concerns. We’ve treated hundred of patients with pigmentation and can give you the best advice and results with our collaborative consultation, medical treatments and ongoing care.
How much does Cosmelan cost at Thrive Skin Clinic?
Both our Cosmelan and Dermamelan depigmentation programs are fully inclusive of:
Consultation and assessment
Application of the peel
Home care pack of 6 products (lasting 3 months)
6 LED Healite sessions post peel, to be used in the first 12 weeks.
Clinical review appointments at Week 2 and Week 12
The costs are:
Thrive Cosmelan Program $1745
Thrive Dermamelan Program $2300
How do I book in for Cosmelan at Thrive?
An initial consultation with Dr Grant is required to provide education and discuss your options. Not everyone is a good candidate for depigmentation with peels. We have many other medical options and like to ensure that you are having the most appropriate treatment for your concern.
Call the clinic on 0404 123 781 or book your consultation online.