Glycation... What is it & How do I treat it?

Have you heard of Glycation?

If you haven’t, you’re not alone. But once you realise that it could affect ALL of us, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t known sooner. We are all very aware of the effects of what excess sugar can do including what it does to both our waistline, teeth and our health, and now we are going to add another notch to that belt by outlining a potential effect it has on the skin. Besides the sugary break out we all often get a day or two after enjoying one too many of those chocolate freckles, sugar could actually play one of the main roles in our skin’s process of ageing.

What is Glycation?

Glycation is in fact a natural process where the glucose in our bloodstream may attach to proteins such as collagen in our bodies and form new molecules called advanced glycation end products or AGEs. These AGEs have the ability to degrade collagen and elastin, the fabulous fibers that normally keep our skin firm and supple. Unfortunately this process may ultimately contribute to a more rigid and aged looking skin. Many describe the appearance as having a yellow-ish tinge and affects the lower face more commonly, particularly the jowls and chin.

It’s important to remember that this is a natural process, but when a diet has a high sugar focus, this can possibly lead to an accelerated response.

What can we do?

The most useful counter to glycation and skin ageing is to of course to include healthy and balanced foods in our day, keep up our water intake and never forget sun protection. To add to this, an all-inclusive skincare regimen will ensure the right ingredients are targeting our collagen and elastin stores.

Our Pure-C Crystals from Synergie Skin provide the most stable and effective method of delivering Vitamin C to the skin. It features pure L-Ascorbic acid, an antioxidant that was found to inhibit AGEs by 52 percent. This product is an active anti-aging essential recommended for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Mature skin

  • Sun-damaged skin. 

Syngergie’s Superserum+ was specifically designed as a triple threat to premature aging, with powerfully active peptides, marine extracts and botanical ingredients. The use of peptides in our skincare regime will help serve our skin the right building blocks for the stimulation of potential collagen and elastin fibers. This product is an essential for all those concerned with aging skin and is recommended for:

  • Mature skin

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Dry/dehydrated skin

  • Dull skin

Our final thoughts

If you’re wondering what else you can do to prevent or treat glycation, rest assured that here at Thrive Skin Clinic we have a team of professionals to help you. Book in a consultation with one of our Dermal Clinicians to assess your skin and prepare a treatment plan for you. We have incredible treatments to help combat the signs of premature aging, sun damage and collagen loss. From our new Tixel treatment, to an array of Synergie Peels, we have what’s needed to help you on your skin journey.